The practical skills provided by our evacuation and fire drills and our versatile schedule have brought a lot of positive feedback from our clients. We all know training courses where we ask ourselves if the acquired knowledge can actually be applied somewhere. This training is not one of those.

§ 6 subsection 3 of the Fire Safety Act obliges owners of establishments to submit a fire safety report and to organize an evacuation and fire drill once a year.

During the evacuation and fire drill:

  • a real fire is simulated,
  • activities that help to cope with a dangerous situation are practiced.

Organization of fire drills:

  • the theoretical part consists in informing employees about the organization of the fire drill and additional fire safety guidance, during which employees are introduced to fire safety topics in accordance with the Minister of the Interior's Regulation No. 43 Annex 2.
  • the practical part consists in the simulation of a fire situation and the exercise of practical activities to the extent possible.