We will talk about the nature of sudden attacks and the seriousness of the problem. The purpose of the training is to reduce the probability of sudden attacks through preventive behaviour by the institution's staff and to raise the awareness of employees when acting in a situation of a sudden attack.

The target group of the training is employees of service institutions.

Employees will get an overview of the run-hide-fight concept and recommendations for behaviour in the event of a sudden attack.

The total volume of the training is three academic hours, of which two academic hours are lectures and one academic hour includes practical exercises.

Content of the training:

  • the nature of sudden attacks,
  • signs indicating a sudden attack,
  • actions in the event of a sudden attack: run-hide-fight,
  • behaviour when help arrives,
  • practical exercises.

The training is conducted by G4S trainers and partners who have a professional education and long-term work experience.

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