G4S Small Business Smart Surveillance Security Guarantee Terms
Valid from 1 Feb 2023
1. Security Guarantee
1.1 The Executor ensures that the guarded object has a security guarantee in accordance with the terms of the security guarantee of the guarded object.
1.2 The security guarantee applies only to the customers of the Executor's Small Business Smart Guard Service, whose operational alarm equipment installed at the guarded object transmits an alarm signal to the Executor's control centre in the event of an intrusion into the guarded object, and whose security contract includes the response of the Executor's patrol crew to alarms from the guarded object.
1.3 The security guarantee applies only to theft incidents that occur during the security agreement's validity period and during the time that the security guarantee is in effect.
2. Definitions
2.1 The Executor is AS G4S Eesti.
2.2 The Customer is an AS G4S Eesti's security service customer that meets the conditions of the security guarantee of the guarded object.
2.3 The Security Guarantee is compensation for losses to the Customer in the event of theft at the guarded object in accordance with the Terms.
2.4 The Guarded Object is the building or real part of the building named as the guarded object in the security contract. A building is a legal structure with exterior walls permanently connected to the ground. A real part of the building is a structurally defined space in the building, together with the constructions, technical systems and interior finishing inside the load-bearing walls and ceilings of the building, on which only the owner of the secured premises is dependent.
2.5 The Security Contract is a contract between the Customer and the Executor for the security and protection of movable or immovable property, including the response of the Executor's patrol crew to disturbances from the guarded object.
2.6 Movable property is property located at the guarded object. Such as office equipment, furniture, small tools, equipment, goods. Property located outside the guarded object is not insured.
2.7 Protected property is the building or real part of the building and the movable property located in it that is the guarded object.
2.8 A case of theft is the theft of parts of the guarded object or the movable property located in it and damage to the protected property during the theft. The taking of an object by a third party for the purpose of its illegal appropriation is considered theft. Expenses for repairing protected property damaged during attempted theft are also reimbursed. An attempted theft is considered a failed theft in which no item was taken. Damage to glass is not compensated if only the glass surface is damaged and nothing is stolen from the guarded object.
2.9 The response of the patrol crew of the Executor is the sending of a patrol crew to the guarded object by the executor in order to find out the cause of the alarm upon the arrival of an alarm signal from the guarded object, with the aim of making an external observation of the important parts of the guarded object (doors, windows, etc., which are visible and accessible to the patrol crew).
2.10 The Terms are these terms and conditions of security guarantee of the Guarded Object to the Small Business Smart Guard customer, which are part of the security contract. In the event of differences between the Terms and the security contract, the provisions of the Terms apply to the security guarantee. The provisions of the security contract shall apply in other respects not specified in the Terms. The Terms are published on AS G4S Eesti's website www.g4s.ee. The Executor has the right to change the Terms unilaterally with 1 (one) month's notice if the changes are necessary to protect the interests of the Customer or the interests of the Executor and they do not significantly affect the interests of the Customer or if the implementation of the security guarantee incurs more costs for the Executor than before. The notice of changes to the Terms is published on the website www.g4s.ee and in the G4S e-service, and is delivered to the Customer by e-mail, or by regular mail if the Customer does not have an e-mail address. In case of not agreeing to the changes, the Customer has the right to cancel the security contract from the effective date of the change, informing G4S in advance.
3. Conditions for the validity of the security guarantee
The security guarantee is valid if the following conditions are met:
3.1 An alarm signal ("alarm") has been transmitted to the Executor's control centre by the alarm equipment used by the Executor at the guarded object, to which the Executor's patrol crew or the Customer (or the contact person specified in the security contract) has responded by checking the guarded object itself within 1 (one) hour of receiving the alarm notification, and the patrol crew or the Customer (or contact person) has detected a break-in or theft incident and the occurrence of damage.
3.2 After an alarm, when entering the guarded object, a case of theft of the guarded object, its parts or movable property has been identified and recorded (a list has been drawn up, photos of traces of break-in or theft have been taken) and it has been immediately reported to the Executor's e-mail address turvagarantii@ee.g4s.com or to phone number 651 1911 or 1911.
3.3 The Customer immediately reports the theft to the police, follows the legislation, police instructions, and the police have initiated a procedure. Before the arrival of the police, the guarded object may only be entered to prevent further damage.
3.4 In the event that the damage caused to the guarded object is also contractually obliged to be compensated by another person, the principles of joint and several liability arising from the law shall apply to the Executor and the corresponding person.
4. Security Guarantee Compensation Limit
4.1 The compensation limit of the security guarantee is up to EUR 15,000 (fifthteen thousand). All damage and expenses caused by one incident of theft are compensated up to the compensation limit.
4.2 Expenses are reimbursed to the extent of the compensation limit, taking into account the following distinctions:
- works of art, valuables (including jewelry, precious metals and watches) are insured for a maximum of
EUR 5,000; - land, air and water vehicles (bicycles, balance bikes, electric bicycles, boats with a total length of up to
2.5 m, lawn tractors, drones) and their parts are insured for a maximum of EUR 5,000; - Non-attached construction materials (bricks, pipes, paint, parquet, wires) and construction tools are
insured for a maximum of EUR 5,000; - agricultural products, food, alcohol, animals, birds, fish, money, stamps, bonds, securities, checks, bank cards, documents, manuscripts, drawings, models, forms, databases, archives, computer software, licenses, electronically stored data are insured for a maximum of EUR 300.
5. The Customer is obliged:
5.1 After receiving an alarm notification from the Executor, to inspect the guarded object by itself within 1 (one) hour at the latest and inform the Executor immediately upon detection of a burglary or theft if the Customer does not want the Executor's patrol crew to respond immediately to the alarm.
5.2 Upon learning of theft, to notify the police in accordance with Clause 3.3 of the Terms and submit an application to initiate misdemeanor or criminal proceedings.
5.3 Within 3 (three) months, to submit a written application for compensation to the Executor in accordance with the instructions provided on the website www.g4s.ee, prove the occurrence of the theft and the amount of the damage, comply with the instructions of the Executor and/or the person authorized by it to determine the compensation obligation, submit a police certificate and details of the theft incident about the circumstances and stolen items (list, documents, photos). To submit all other data, documents and explanations requested by the Executor or a person authorized by it.
5.4 In the event that the Customer has a valid insurance contract with respect to the guarded object, immediately inform the insurance provider of this contract about the theft and submit all required documents and data to them for handling the loss. Notify the Executor as soon as the insurer has compensated the loss of the theft.
5.5 The Customer must not increase the risk associated with the guarded object, which may increase the risk of theft.
5.6 When fulfilling the Customer's obligations, its tenants, contact persons specified in the security contract and other users of the guarded object are identified with the Customer. In the absence, the Customer is obliged to ensure that they fulfill the obligations stipulated in the Terms.
6. Damage Compensation
6.1 Damage is compensated if the security guarantee is valid, the damage has occurred as a result of a theft incident, the Customer and the Executor have fulfilled all the obligations stipulated in the Terms and the damage has not been compensated by the Customer's insurance provider. Only direct material damage is compensated.
6.2 The costs of repairing damage to the building or real part of the building shall be reimbursed in their restoration value. The restoration value is the cost of restoring the building or the real part of the building to the condition before the theft incident in accordance with the construction standards in force at the time of restoration. Reasonable expenses necessary for the restoration of the building or the real part of the building shall be reimbursed on the basis of calculations coordinated with the Executor or a person authorized by it. That part of the restoration cost of the building or apartment that increased due to circumstances arising from the Customer or persons identified with it (such as the Customer's choices, behaviour) shall not be reimbursed.
6.3 Damage to movable property is compensated as the property's equivalent reacquisition value, i.e. the replacement price of used items in the same condition and with wear and tear is compensated. If such items are not offered, then the price of functionally similar items. If new items (for example, goods) are stolen during the theft, the movable property is compensated as a new equivalent at the reacquisition value. In case of destruction or theft of art, collections, valuables, the actual value before the theft, i.e. the local average selling price before the theft, shall be compensated.
6.4 Depreciation and emotional value of the item shall not be compensated. Damage caused or increased due to the Customer's actions or inaction, or the part of the damage that cannot be determined, shall not be compensated. Damage will not be compensated if the Customer has not fulfilled the obligations stipulated in the Terms. Loss of income, personal injury, non-property loss, pure economic loss, liquidated damages and delays shall not be compensated. The part of the VAT returned to the company based on the VAT Act is not included in the compensation.
6.5 Damage shall be compensated by the Executor or a person authorized by it. The recipient of the compensation is the owner or legal possessor of the guarded object. Compensation is financial. The damage will be compensated within 1 (one) month of receiving all the information about the circumstances of the theft and compensation for the damage.
6.6 After the damage has been compensated, the Customer's claim against the person who caused the damage is transferred to the Executor. In the event that the beneficiary receives the compensated item back after compensation for the damage, it undertakes to hand it over to the Executor or compensate for its value.
6.7 In the event that damage is not compensated in case of theft, the Executor shall inform the Customer of the reason in writing.
6.8 In the event that the Customer is not satisfied with compensation or non-compensation, it has the right to address the Executor with a written statement.